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These trainings are suitable for mental health, education, aged care or disability organisations and some are available to individual clinicians/therapists. Please refer to individual trainings for more details.


Agencies can request workshops for their staff by discussing their unique needs and requirements with us in a complementary initial consultation session. This discussion will cover:

  • Workshop topic

  • Specific needs of the team/clients

  • Date and start/finish times

  • Costs

  • Audience size and type

  • Venue details

  • Equipment required

We can also provide short presentations on request, although this cannot be used as a substitute for training. Short presentations often take the form of a topic overview plus a Q&A session. A negotiable fee applies.

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This comprehensive package to address sexual harassment in the workplace includes consultancy, audit, leadership training and a half-day training for your staff across the organisation.

This workshop is designed to give your team the skills to interact more effectively and compassionately with anyone whom they perceive is ‘different’ to them and develop practical knowledge and skills to improve and develop their inclusive practice.

This one-day interactive workshop provides clinicians and therapists with fundamental skills and knowledge to support adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The focus of the workshop is addressing intimacy related challenges in adulthood.


5 hours

7 hours

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This workshop is designed to support the participants to understand sexual violence, the most common myths related to it and effective ways to respond to disclosures of sexual violence.
This workshop is designed for health professionals who provide services to people with a disability. This training will support your team to feel more confident to talk with clients about sexuality related topics.
This workshop addresses the complex topic of sexual disclosure in young people under the 'age of consent'. 

3 hours

4 hours

2-3 hours

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If your organisation is responsible for the care of young people, it is very likely that you are responsible to provide a reasonable level of sexuality education to your clients. This training can help your team feel confident about how to approach this topic with young clients.
This  a 4-week workshop for clients who live with a disability. If you would like to run this workshop for your clients within your organisation, please contact us.

4 hours

4 weeks

1.5 hours

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